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A Changing Legal World: Christianity and Extraterritoriality in Sichuan Courtroom (1810-1911)



CRT-7.30, 7/F

A Changing Legal World: Christianity and Extraterritoriality in Sichuan Courtroom (1810-1911)
A Changing Legal World: Christianity and Extraterritoriality in Sichuan Courtroom (1810-1911)


2025年2月26日 16:30 – GMT+8 18:00

CRT-7.30, 7/F, Run Run Shaw Tower 逸夫教學樓, Lung Fu Shan, Hong Kong


School of Chinese Scholar Seminar


A Changing Legal World: Christianity and Extraterritoriality in Sichuan Courtroom (1810-1911)


Speaker: Dr. Yuan TIAN 田源

(Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore)


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