現在海枯石爛也很快 ——劇場導演林奕華談張愛玲與時間(的消失)
Edward Lam on Eileen Chang and (the Disappearance of) Time

張愛玲研究新方向講座系列 New Directions in Eileen Chang Studies Lecture Series
Co-hosted by School of Chinese and Department of Comparative Literature, HKU
Co-sponsored by Louis Cha Fund for Chinese studies & East/West studies in the Faculty
& Center for the Study of Globalization and Culture (CSGC)
Edward Lam on Eileen Chang and (the Disappearance of) Time
分享嘉賓 Speaker: Mr. Eward LAM 林奕華
主持人 Moderator: Prof. Nicole HUANG 黃心村 (Dept. of Comparative Literature, HKU)
與談人Respondent: Prof. Pei-yin LIN 林姵吟 (School of Chinese, HKU)
日期時間 Date & Time: September 21, 2024 (Sat) 15:00-17:00pm
語言 Language: Putonghua 普通話
地點 Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, Main Campus, HKU 香港大學黃麗松講堂
摘要 Abstract:
The eminent playwright and multimedia artist Edward Lam has adapted Eileen Chang's fiction for both stage and screen six times, more than anyone in the Chinese-speaking world. From written words to light, shadows, and sounds, Lam's adaption opens a path that leads to a uniquely profound way to decode Chang's original texts.
講者簡介 About the Speaker:
林奕華 香港多媒介創作人。先後編導了「中國四大名著系列」,張艾嘉《華麗上班族之生活與生存》、《聊齋Why We Chat》、吳彥祖《快樂王子》、梁詠琪《大娛樂家》、劉若英《紅娘的異想世界之在西廂》,音樂劇《梁祝的繼承者們》。近作是改編楊德昌電影《一一》的《一一三部曲》,和《A.I時代的梁祝與繼承者們》。
Edward Lam founded Zuni Icosahedron with friends in the early 1980s and established Edward Lam Dance Theatre, where he serves as the artistic director, during his residence in London (1989-1995). Since returning to Hong Kong in 1995, he has devoted himself to theatre and directed more than 70 original productions. Lam was awarded Best Director at Shanghai theatre festival Modern Drama Valley’s One Drama Awards on several occasions, including for Men and Women, War and Peace (2010), The Doppelgänger (2012), and What is Sex? (2017), and was named Artist of the Year (Theatre) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2017. A firm believer in education, Lam has given lectures at The University of Hong Kong, the Academy of Film at Hong Kong Baptist University, and The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2015, he launched the first edition of ELDT On Screen, a cinematic showcase of four of his adaptations of literary classics. He has also published books of collected essays, including Waiting for Hong Kong, The Meaning of Entertainment, Evil But Glamorous, My TV Dinner Years, and Leading Ladies in the Mandarin Cinema. In 2016, Taiwanese journal Performing Arts Review published Who is Afraid of Edward Lam, Hsu Yen-mei’s analysis of Lam’s stage productions from 2006 to 2015.
1) The seminar will be conducted primarily in a face-to-face mode; Those who cannot attend the seminar in-person could apply for online participation (via Zoom) with justifications;
2) All those who would like to attend the seminar are required to register online (Click HERE) on a first-come, first-served basis;
3) Email of confirmation will be sent to the registered email addresses and participants have to show the screenshot or print-out version of the email for entry of the seminar venue;
4) Walk-in or late-comers will not be allowed for entry of the seminar venue unless situation allows.
ALL are welcome*
*Pre-registration is requested.